KAANY was established in 2017.
Please complete Application Form and send it to info@kaany.org
We have a simple process of new member application and review.
A prospective member can apply for membership through the invitation and recommendation of one or multiple current members.
Upon receipt of a completed application form, the application is submitted to the Membership Committee for review via email.
The Committee will review the application and provide a definitive response to the candidate within a reasonable amount of time, typically within two weeks. A candidate can be admitted only if at least two Committee members approve.
Once a candidate’s application is accepted, he or she will be asked to join monthly meetings.
The new member will be added to the Group mailing list & All hands Kakao Talk discussion room.
A Membership Committee member will then formally introduce the new member to the group in the next scheduled monthly meeting.
For membership questions and applications, please contact us via email.
The Korean Architect Association of New York
1270 Broadway, Suite 906