Dear colleagues and friends of KAANY,
카니가 벌써 뉴욕에서 8살이 되었습니다. 준비기간을 포함하면 더 오랜시간이 지금의 카니를 여기에 있게 해준 것이 아닌가 합니다.
어려웠던 Covid-19기간동안 함께해주신 회원분들과 카니의 모든 친구들에게 진심으로 감사를 드립니다.
카니는 앞으로도 뉴욕/뉴저지 건축, 조경, 인테리어 분야에서 활동하시는 모든 분들과 이 분야를 공부하는 학생들과 관심있어하는 모든 분들에게 더 나은 환경과 필요한 도움을 드릴 수 있는 기반을 제공하도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
이와 더불어 여러 커뮤니티 단체와의 친목과 관계진전을 도모하는 일에도 적극적으로 앞장설 것이며, 더 나아가 기업과 관련 지방 자치 단체와의 관계를 넓혀 구인/구직에도 회원분들과 커뮤니티가 최대한 혜택을 받을 수 있도록 힘쓰겠습니다.
Sure, we’ve all lived through difficult times, and during Covid-19, you have demonstrated your friendship, and your positive attitude never fails to amaze us.
We are really touched by the many messages you sent over the last couple of years. Not only messages of solidarity, but also your presences and donations.
KAANY will continue to serve as a platform for the Korean architects, Landscape architects and interior designers’ community in New York/New Jersey to better engage the culture and profession of architecture.
KAANY will act as a representative group of Korean American architects, Landscape architects and interior designers of the New York/Metro Area and develops a relationship with various groups including academia, companies, media and government entities, which will also open up the opportunities for talented Korean students and young professionals, offering advice and mentorship programs.
We’re sure that as we move to brighter days, there will be much to celebrate. In the meantime and afterwards, there are several ways to show to serve the community and create a unique professional environment for Korean American architects. Please join us.
We're all in this together, you and we will seek to find greater opportunities and build a new paradigm for our community.
Thank you!
C. Jonathan Sohn
President, KAANY